The Angus component is crucial to our Hybrids, there is no doubt of that, however University research proves and our own data confirms a commercial producer cannot afford to sacrifice the heterosis gained from crossbreeding. A Composite Breeding System allows a producer to optimize heterosis without experiencing the huge swings in phenotype and performance levels seen from reverting back to crossing Pure Breeds. The use of Composite Genetics is the simplest, most efficient means to maintain hybrid vigor.
Mountain Top Cattle Co Hybrids are the perfect answer for those producers wishing to maintain a small amount of Continental influence to capture the benefits of heterosis. Our Hybrid bulls and heifers will improve conformation, add muscle shape, strip off external waste fat and consequently be yield grade improvers. They will improve fertility add longevity and maintain a common sense frame score throughout your cow herd. Why ignore the documented benefits of heterosis when these “knock your socks off” Hybrid bulls are available in and backed by our guarantee that is second to none in the industry???? Unlike the complicated rotational cross breeding systems that have plagued the industry in the past our Hybrid bulls are easy to maintain and manage. It’s not rocket science, it’s just common sense and it works.
Mountain Top SimAngus will range, primarily, from 25% to 65% Simmental and the remainder Angus. They are undeniably the most popular and highly accepted Hybrid blend in the industry and considered by most to be the “ultimate” female in the business. Our focus in Simmental genetic selection has included moderate birth, moderate milk, high IMF, and high performance. Put a Sim Angus bull on your Angus females and you are at the apex of Beef Cattle Production. It’s not rocket science, it’s just common sense and it works.
Mountain Top ChiAngus is a new venture and will be typically 5% to 25% Chi and the remainder Angus. They are unmatched in the industry for their ability to combine yield and quality grade. We dare to compare the overall productivity of ChiAngus cattle, their structural soundness, fertility, and udder quality result in cows that last a long time and are still worth a lot of salvage when you are done with them. The extra growth and style that the ChiAngus bulls posses is a trait that multiplies benefits to our commercial cattlemen in the pounds of calf they sell off of their cows. 100% Black and Don’t forget -- the “Chi” gene is powerful blood and it doesn’t take much to have a positive impact. It’s not rocket science, it’s just common sense and it works.
Mountain Top Hereford/Angus will primarily 50% Hereford and 50% Angus. They are undeniably one of the most popular and highly accepted Hybrid blend in the industry and considered by most to be the “ultimate” female in the business. The "Black Baldie" is undeniabily the most recognized cross in the beef cattle business. Our focus in Hereford genetic selection has included moderate birth, moderate milk, high IMF, and high performance. Get you a set of those true F1 Baldie mamas and take your herd to the next level and you are at the apex of Beef Cattle Production. It’s not rocket science, it’s just common sense and it works.